AI Policy

Our Current Context

Peabody Brewing Company (PBC) currently consists of two friends that work full-time jobs, have families to support and grow, and a healthy dose of the “usuals” of life; all in addition to our PBC work. It’s in this context that Peabody Brewing Company could use generative AI.

Any usage of generative AI will be in an effort to help push one of our scattered or roadblocked minds to further ideas and creativity. We will leverage it as a tool to “hyper consume” new ideas and inspirations that we typically turn to books, other games, internet searches, and our surroundings for (which we will always continue to do!).

To be clear, PBC has no intentions of even attempting to build video games with only or mostly AI generated content: this goes against our core values. We hope and intend to use AI as little as possible, but admit that we may turn to it as a helping tool from time to time.

We will do our best to keep track of when/where we use generative AI (directly or indirectly) to create video game content. This could be in the form of public dev/patch notes, internal code commits, internal notes, etc.

Our Future Context

At this time, our future context is likely to be the same as our current context. If PBC is ever wondrously fortunate enough to grow beyond its humble beginnings of two friends, we will re-evaluate. We would love to have a team of talented, hard working individuals to rely on and build things with instead of the crazy mess that is generative AI.

Do You See Your Work in Ours?

If you ever feel as though words or art in our video games was created or directly inspired by your hard work, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

If we did use generative AI to assist/augment the content in question, we will work with you to either update our game to remove the content or credit/compensate you fairly for your hard work! Please be prepared to provide proof of how/why the hard work belongs to/was inspired by you.

If we did not use generative AI to assist/augment the content in question, we will do our best to provide evidence to support this.